Monday, June 17, 2013

One Down Four to Go

Over this past weekend I've designed, built, and tested my machine for the individual qualifiers. The goal of the qualifier is to move a pair of plastic bowling pins out of the designated zone. Sounds simple enough right? Well, fourteen hours and $56 dollars later I finally have my completed machine. The design features a car that rolls down an incline and transfers its momentum to the pins by impact, which is a fancy way of saying it crashes into the pins at the bottom of the ramp. The video below is a brief description of the machine and a demostration by your truly.

I reset and ran the machine again but this time I moved the ramp closer to the edge of the starting platform. The results were much more satisfactory than the first. One of the pins was knocked to the other side of the arena.

For the next trial I must design a build a device that will collect objects resting on the ledge there at the center of the arena. I believe I will add a four-bar lickage on top of the car and use the momentum of the controlled crash to fling some sort of gantry on the ledge.

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